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A Task Manager that prioritizes your day for you.

A Note from the Founders

When a to-do list gets too long, it can quickly spiral into a source of overwhelming stress and anxiety. 


Quatro is designed to manage daily tasks without the stress. By helping you prioritize and schedule your next steps, we hope to improve both productivity and mental health.


While there's a lot more to learn, we believe we've already uncovered something very meaningful. We'd love to hear your feedback!


— Jon, Guillermo, and Kevin


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How It Works

Automated Prioritization

Our formula automatically creates personalized priorities for your tasks based on impact, effort and deadlines.

Science-backed Categorization

The brain is not designed to process or remember more than four things at once. Quatro ensures you never feel overwhelmed by only showing your Top 4 highest priority tasks.

Easy Scheduling

Drag tasks from your Top 4 directly into your connected Google Calendar to properly plan your day and ensure you have enough time to get everything done.

How it works

What People Say

What People Say

“I am a list making addict -- if it isn’t written down, it isn’t going to happen. With Quatro, not only am I able to keep track of what needs to get done, but I am also able to close my computer at the end of the day knowing I have completed everything for that day. My mind is completely free to do other things!”


—  Ellie Ransom, Solutions Consultant


“I use Quatro to keep my stray thoughts organized. Anytime I have a spare 10 minutes, I make my way through my check list. It helps me feel better that I haven’t forgotten anything when I shut it down for the day.”


—  Adam Altus, Entrepreneur


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